ThursdayJul 08, 2021 1:30 pm

A Look at Covid-19 Effects on Industrial Metals One Year Later

At the onset of the coronavirus pandemic in March 2020, metal prices declined significantly, prompted by a collapse in the demand for metals. Capital spending cuts in the mining sector and mine closures imposed to control the virus’ spread also disrupted both the long-and short-term supply of metals. Today the metals market is at an entirely different level with iron ore and copper prices hitting new highs. Cobalt and nickel metal prices reached two- and seven-year highs in February and March of this year. Government stimulus has aided in the growth in demand for metals and facilitated metal price recoveries.…

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WednesdayJul 07, 2021 3:45 pm

Gold Extractors on Course to Hit 2030 Emissions Goals

A recent report released by Wood Mackenzie has found that the international gold industry is on course to meeting the 2°C climate target by 2030. However, the report notes that additional action is needed for the industry to not only meet but also exceed the 1.5°C target. The global metals, mining and renewables research and consultancy group conducted an analysis of the international gold industry in an attempt to evaluate the pace at which the industry can reduce its emissions. At the moment, the cleaner energy projects that have been planned and executed are expected to save no less than…

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TuesdayJul 06, 2021 3:00 pm

Prerequisites for Setting Up a Robust Maintenance Program for Mining Machinery

It is a known fact that any mining operation heavily depends on expensive machinery and equipment, highly skilled personnel, and a watertight safety culture as well as the best governance structures. In order to optimize mining operations and limit equipment downtime, several methods are available while setting up a robust maintenance program. We highlight some of the prerequisites for such a program. Condition-based and preventive maintenance Unforeseen equipment shutdowns aren’t only disruptive to operations but they can also be very costly to fix at short notice. This is where preventive maintenance comes in. This periodic maintenance takes a proactive approach…

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FridayJul 02, 2021 12:45 pm

Why It’s Always Worthwhile to Invest in Precious Metals

Since last year, conversation surrounding investments in the stock market has mainly been skeptical, even as economies across the globe slowly recover and open back up. This may explain why most investors are moving towards precious metals, such as silver and gold, which have a low correlation with the stock market and usually hold their value even in times of market volatility. If you aren’t sure whether you should include precious metals in your portfolio or how you can do so, below are a few things that you should know. What are precious metals? Precious metals are rare metals with…

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ThursdayJul 01, 2021 3:45 pm

Malaysia Considers Integrating Vanadium Batteries into Clean Hydrogen Project

A recent collaboration between AGV Energy, a renewable energy consultancy in Malaysia, and TNG, a resources company based in Australia, may enable the integration of vanadium redox flow batteries into green hydrogen production technology. TNG is a minerals and resources company that targets the market share of strategic metals markets and recently entered into a partnership with V-Flow Tech, a vanadium redox flow battery tech company based in Singapore. On the other hand, AGV Energy is currently working on a technology to develop hydrogen from demineralized water electrolysis, which is powered by renewable energy. The company plans to use the…

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