TuesdayAug 31, 2021 2:15 pm

Canadian, .US Nuclear Regulators Conclude Maiden Collaborative Project

Nuclear safety regulators in the United States and Canada recently concluded their collaborative project, which focused on small modular reactor licensing. The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission have released a joint report that offers feedback on the manufacturing codes it suggests for use in both Canada and the U.S. for the Xe-100 reactor pressure vessel design. The report is the first result of the program of cooperation that the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission entered into in August 2019. At the time, President Rumina Velshi of Canada’s nuclear commission stated…

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MondayAug 30, 2021 2:35 pm

Copper Price Rallies After Hitting Half-Year Low

Last week, the price of copper increased, with copper for delivery in September increasing by 2% to $9,084 per ton. This comes after a six-month low that saw copper drop to $8,715 per ton on the Comex market in New York. Analysts believe that the metal’s prices are on course for a decline based on several factors, including the rising coronavirus cases, the Federal Reserve withdrawing stimulus measures and worries about decreasing demand in China, which is the biggest consumer of the red metal. Edward Meir, an analyst at ED&F Man Capital Markets, stated that the macro numbers out of…

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FridayAug 27, 2021 1:45 pm

Report Finds Greenhouse Gas Emissions Didn’t Increase at Gold Mines During Lockdown

S&P Global Market Intelligence recently released a report that looked into greenhouse gas emissions in gold mines. The company analyzed sustainability reports for 2020, which were obtained from more than 90 leading gold mines in order to carry out a year-over-year comparison of emissions and determine the influence of the coronavirus lockdown on greenhouse gas emissions. The report states that despite fluctuations in gas emissions, mining grades declined last year, which led to a decline in the output of gold and, in turn, caused a decrease in per-ounce emissions intensity. In comparison with 2019, the output of gold last year…

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FridayAug 27, 2021 9:00 am

Energy Fuels Inc. (NYSE American: UUUU) (TSX: EFR) Signs Alliance to Evaluate Potential Production of Isotopes for Emerging Cancer Therapeutics

UUUU, RadTran to study the recovery of thorium, radium, from existing rare earth carbonate and uranium process streams The alliance has the potential to develop commercial technologies and sources of isotopes needed for a new domestic medical supply chain Partnership aims to alleviate major bottleneck in the targeted alpha therapy market Due to its highly unique licenses, capabilities, and expertise, Energy Fuels (NYSE American: UUUU) (TSX: EFR) is able to supply critical minerals and materials that no other company in the U.S. – or possibly outside of China – is able to do. Energy Fuels’ business revolves around its ability…

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ThursdayAug 26, 2021 4:20 pm

US Utilities Planning to Add 10GW of Battery Storage to Grid by 2023

Between 2015 and 2019, the cost of battery energy storage declined by 72% in the United States. Consequently, utilities in the U.S. are now planning to bring in 10GW of new grid-connected capacity online in the near future. The deployment of battery storage across the country has increased to about 1,650MW, which has allowed power grids to operate more resiliently and flexibly. The Energy Information Administration, under the U.S. Department of Energy, recently released a report that looks at battery storage in the country. The planning data gathered from project developers in 2020 demonstrates that with the 10,000MW set to…

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WednesdayAug 25, 2021 1:30 pm

Price of Copper Drops Amid Concerns of Fourth Coronavirus Wave

The price of copper has been declining for the past few weeks, as concern over a fresh surge in coronavirus cases in North America and Europe rises among investors. On the Comex market, copper for delivery in September declined by about 2%, reaching $4.22 per pound. On the Shanghai Futures Exchange, the most-traded copper contract for September fell by about 0.5% to $10777.34 per ton. The price of copper is saddled by the increasing coronavirus cases globally and potential tightening in policies in some major economies, which may make it more difficult to recover. Earlier this week, China, which is…

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TuesdayAug 24, 2021 3:00 pm

Nuclear Power Reactors Allocated $6 Billion in Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill

Under the new bipartisan infrastructure legislation, nuclear power reactors have been allocated $6 billion. This move is supported by the Biden administration and Senator Joe Machin, who is an advocate for nuclear reactor incentives and the chairman of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee. Nuclear energy is a zero-emission, clean-energy source that generates power through uranium atoms splitting in a process known as fission. It produces more electricity on less land in comparison to other clean-energy sources and is also carbon free. Estimates from the Nuclear Energy Institute also show that the United States avoided more than 475 million…

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TuesdayAug 24, 2021 11:54 am

Energy Fuels Inc. (NYSE American: UUUU) (TSX: EFR) Only NA Company in Position to Produce Monazite-Derived REE

Monazite sand is so valuable because of its superior distributions of magnetic REEs for use in clean-energy, defense and other technologies UUUU has licenses, ability to unlock the value of this domestic resource This year, the company and its partners have created a U.S.-E.U. rare earth supply chain Monazite has long been recognized as one of the most valuable rare earth elements (“REEs”) in the world, but it requires specific licenses and specialized technical capabilities to handle and process. Energy Fuels (NYSE American: UUUU) (TSX: EFR) may be the only company outside of China with the equipment, expertise and licenses…

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MondayAug 23, 2021 3:55 pm

US Infrastructure Policy a Boon for Industrial Metals

The $1 trillion infrastructure package introduced by the Biden Administration will help boost the demand for aluminum, copper and steel as well as improve the domestic supply of critical minerals and battery metals. That package includes roughly $6 billion set aside for battery materials manufacturing and processing projects, with more than $100 million being issued for the development of a rare earth demonstration plant. The objective of the Biden Administration is to invest in domestic critical metals production. Presently, about 80% of the rare earth metals used in the United States is imported from China. The $140 million awarded will…

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FridayAug 20, 2021 2:50 pm

How Ocean Mining Could Play Out

Pandemic recovery packages for some countries have driven the demand for commodities such as lithium, iron ore and copper even higher. With the demand for metals needed for the clean energy transition and electrification increasing, many companies are thinking about venturing into ocean mining, a virtually unexplored market. Research has shown that the sea floor is abundant in various metals, with reserves estimated to be worth more than $16 trillion. Where is ocean mining expected to occur? Research has found that the Clarion Clipperton Zone, located between Mexico and Hawaii in the Eastern Pacific Ocean, has the most minerals. About…

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