FridaySep 29, 2023 3:20 pm

How Vietnam Plans to Cut into China’s Hold on Rare Earths Supply Chain

Vietnam is poised to become a major competitor to China in the critical metals supply chain and could potentially threaten China’s stranglehold on the global rare earth industry. Vietnamese leaders are planning to restart the Đông Pao mine, a massive rare earth mine in Northern Vietnam. Đông Pao is among the largest rare earth mines in the country, and it has attracted significant interest from Western backers looking for alternative rare earth metal suppliers. With financial backing from Western investors, Vietnam is looking to relaunch the mine in a project with the potential to threaten China’s overwhelming dominance in the…

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FridaySep 29, 2023 10:30 am

GEMXX Corp. (GEMZ) Plans 300% YoY Expansion in Gemstone and Jewelry Production to Meet Growing Demand

GEMXX is a mine-to-market enterprise that specializes in the production and distribution of gemstones, like Ammolite, and jewelry on a global scale Ammolite is a rare gemstone that exhibits a unique iridescence and is only found in southern Alberta, Canada The company recently announced that demand for its Ammolite in jewelry designs by Kenneth Bradley is growing exponentially GEMXX plans to expand gemstone and jewelry production by 300% year over year in response to growing demand Its shopping channel division is preparing to supply $5.5 million worth of Ammolite gemstones and jewelry over the next 12 months Although officially recognized…

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ThursdaySep 28, 2023 2:41 pm

US Admits It Can’t Remove China from Supply Chain of Critical Metals

A top official in the Biden administration has revealed that the United States cannot eliminate China from its critical metals supply chain. With the U.S. keen on cutting its carbon emissions by transitioning to zero-emission electric vehicles, the country needs massive amounts of critical metals to build electric vehicle batteries, stationary power storage and renewable energy infrastructure such as solar panels. Critical minerals are also key to the development of everything from consumer electronics to defense systems, making these minerals critical to America’s economy and national security. However, China plays a key role in the global critical metals supply chain…

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ThursdaySep 28, 2023 10:30 am

Prospera Energy Inc. (TSX.V: PEI) (OTC: GXRFF) (FRA: OF6B) Strategically Positioned for Record Growth Amidst Canada’s Push for Sustainability in the Oil and Gas Industry

As one of the oil and gas leaders, Canada is the third-largest holder of proven oil reserves in the world; the country’s oil and gas sector is not only big but also green, positioning Canada as an energy powerhouse with an eye on a greener future The sector reported output growth while slashing emissions, standing as a testament that achieving both growth and environmental sustainability is possible Amid Canada's firm commitment to a greener future, companies like Prospera Energy are set to benefit as the country seizes the opportunity of the burgeoning market while still ensuring sustainability Prospera Energy (TSX.V:…

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WednesdaySep 27, 2023 12:56 pm

India, China Ramp Up Coal Use as Hydropower Production Drops

A drop in hydro-generated power in China and India has caused the two largest polluters in Asia to turn back to fossil fuels to generate electricity. According to energy think tank Ember, hydropower generation in Asia dropped by nearly 18% in the first seven months of the year while fossil fuel-generated electricity increased by 4.5%. This represents the fastest reduction in hydropower generation in the region in decades and has forced China and India to go elsewhere to supply their massive energy needs. Increased electricity demand coupled with dwindling output from hydropower plants has resulted in a spike in the…

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TuesdaySep 26, 2023 2:46 pm

Study Highlights Importance of Magnesium to Plant Health, Growth

Magnesium plays a key role in both human and plant life. In humans, the mineral supports energy production as well as nerve and muscle function. While low magnesium levels don’t usually cause major symptoms, chronically low magnesium levels can cause osteoporosis, heart disease, high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes risk. Although we know a lot about magnesium's role in the activity of more than 300 enzymes dealing in everything from sugar regulation to protein synthesis, little is known about the uptake and transport of magnesium in plants. Fortunately, a recent study led by an international research team granted scientists…

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TuesdaySep 26, 2023 9:45 am

Amid REE Market Supply Interruptions, Ucore Rare Metals Inc. (TSX.V: UCU) (OTCQX: UURAF) Presses Forward With Commercial Processing Plant Plans

Ucore Rare Metals Inc. is moving forward with a rare earth element (“REE”) processing facility in Louisiana that will help to establish an American base for the REE supply chain The REE supply chain is currently almost exclusively controlled by the People’s Republic of China thanks to China’s responsibility for 36.7 percent of the world’s REE reserves, 63 percent of REE mining capacity and more than 90 percent of REE refining capacity REE price increases this month as a result of temporary production shutdowns in Myanmar and China underscore the market’s sensitivity to supply interruptions resulting from governmental policies Ucore’s…

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MondaySep 25, 2023 1:43 pm

Fossil Fuel Production Soaring Despite Data Showing Dropping Renewable Energy Costs

Although renewables are performing better than they ever have amid increasing demand and dropping prices, fossil fuel production is still soaring. Solar and wind energy cumulatively accounted for around 12% of global electricity generation in 2023, and experts predict renewable energy production from these sources will increase significantly over the decade. Wind energy broke the threshold of a terawatt of energy generated this year, which is almost equal to the total capacity of installed wind energy in the United States while solar energy reached the threshold last year. The commercial solar sector installed 1.4 gigawatts of solar, the community solar…

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MondaySep 25, 2023 11:15 am

Appia Rare Earths & Uranium Corp. (CSE: API) (OTCQX: APAAF) Commences Diamond Drilling with Third Drill Hole at PCH Project in Brazil

The global rare earth elements market is expected to grow from 167.99 million tons in 2023, and to 206.25 million tons by 2028 – growing at a CAGR of 4.19% Since starting the project, Appia has commenced diamond drilling in addition to its current reverse circulation and auger drilling campaigns Specimens from the drilling efforts will be submitted to SGS Geosol laboratory, with assays expected two months from submission The global rare earth elements (“REE”) market is expected to grow from 167.99 million tons in 2023 to 206.25 million tons by 2028 – growing at a CAGR of 4.19%. The…

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FridaySep 22, 2023 12:43 pm

Group Looks into Mining Firms’ Role in Violence Linked to Gold Trade in Africa

A group of international human rights activists and researchers have partnered to carry out a joint investigation into the role that Western mining firms have played in proliferating the violence linked to the gold trade in Africa. Gold trade on the African continent, especially in West Africa, has been tainted with corruption, unscrupulous practices and violence for decades. The recently launched Blood Gold Report research program will analyze gold-related deals between authoritarian African governments, mining companies in the West, and Russian mercenaries such as the Wagner Group and how those deals may have contributed to violence in Africa. Researchers will…

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